Many companies are confused or overwhelmed by the impact assessment process. The thinking among founders and social entrepreneurs is that the process is complicated. Many consider impact assessment as useful in established companies only. Since growing companies operate with tight budgets, they are often unable to invest in business impact assessment. The truth is that there is a sizeable social impact asset waiting to get exploited by your institution. Founders should understand the areas within their business likely to drive environmental and social impact. Every organization has an impact potential that can get seized to realize a competitive advantage over others in the industry. If small and medium-sized enterprises differentiate themselves by solving clients; needs, they can achieve profitability, productivity, and efficiency. Impact assessment equips founders with the tools required to build enterprises that depict their mission. ImpactableX offers clarity regarding the impact potential of your company using a simple modeling framework.
Using a primary modeling framework, ImpactableX generates verified, quantified, and standardized impact analytics. The goal is to provide a core model for founders to assess impact creation under different growth circumstances. We make management decisions to optimize impact and revenue. The model is applicable in any organizational situation. No matter the stage of growth, our framework can offer insights to propel your organization. Even when initial data is nonexistent or scant, the model is still effective. Our dynamic model yields more than static information on quantification. The framework provides centralized and consistent management tools as the organization evolves. We use three components to help institutions build their impact model. ImpactableX experts allow founders to apply the methodology in their business models. The analytics we compute help to unlock opportunities.
It is possible to access marginalized communities and scarce resources worldwide using new technology. Founders should embrace technologies and innovations that bring change. The goal is to provide suitable solutions to global challenges. Impact assessment gets widely considered to be fundamental in the process of achieving success. Founders who can articulate the impact potential of their businesses will be able to differentiate from others.

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