ImpactableX makes impact assessment affordable and impactful for startups. Although many entrepreneurs think that assessing the social impact of their businesses is expensive and tedious, ImpactableX simplifies the process and makes it affordable. We solve the pressing challenges of the world and unlock the massive social value of every organization. We forecast, quantify, and define value for impact funds and founders, and recommend solutions that drive growth for your institution. Our methods and ideas will propel your startup towards growth and success in an increasingly competitive marketplace. Our modeling framework yields quantified, standardized, and verified impact analytics. ImpactableX seeks to specifically help investors and social entrepreneurs by providing a modeling strategy that makes it possible for founders to measure the creation of impact under different scenarios of growth.
ImpactableX will help you arrive at management decisions that maximize impact and revenue. Our impact assessment framework applies to any enterprise model and an organization at any development stage. As a startup evolve, its sales estimates also evolve and new impact data is collected. Our impact modeling framework makes it possible to adjust the inputs. This allows us to understand the social impact consequences of your business. The impact assessment approach we employ provides more than the static quantification snapshots. It yields a centralized and consistent tool of impact management that evolves dynamically. During impact assessment, ImpactableX guides startups and founders through the components of our framework. The goal is to help them generate impact models relevant to their businesses.
The three components of social impact assessment employed by ImpactableX are; Definition, attribution, and valuation. We start with defining the primary impact metrics of the company. These are the measurable impact expressions that point out the drivers of the value of the company. Using our assessment template, we align the impact metrics with acceptable global standards like IRIS+ and SDGs to ascertain that everyone is measuring similar items and driving towards the same goal. ImpactableX is ready to steer your company towards growth with accurate impact assessment.

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