Saturday, 12 June 2021

Seize Growth Opportunities for Your Startup through Impact Assessment

Many companies are finding it hard to seize upon impact assessment. Social capital has a lot of influence on startups. However, many investors and social entrepreneurs find it hard to quantify the social impact available to them. Growing organizations fail to understand the business model levers that will stimulate environmental and social growth. The assessment of social impact equips founders with the tools necessary to build institutions that depict their mission and provide powerful insights to unlock the unprecedented social capital market. Although most entrepreneurs want clarity concerning the impact operations of their companies, they feel confused and overwhelmed on how or where to start. The expectation for many is that the budget for business impact assessment is unaffordable.

ImpactableX understands the complexities involved with impact assessment. For this reason, we have come up with a modeling framework that simplifies impact assessment. We provide a modeling strategy to generate standardized, quantified, and verified impact analytics. Our framework was designed to specifically serve investors and social entrepreneurs. The primary modeling framework will allow founders an opportunity to evaluate the impact created under different growth circumstances. We will help businesses to make decisions that will maximize impact and revenue. Our modeling framework applies to any model of business and any vertical impact level. It can also get used in organizations that are at any stage of growth. As the company evolves and sales estimates change, the inputs on this model can get adjusted to comprehend the resulting consequences. Our impact assessment approach supersedes the static quantification snapshots. We provide a centralized and consistent tool for impact management.

When carrying out an impact assessment, ImpactableX guides startups and founders through the primary components of our framework. The components help to build an impact model suitable to the business. The first step is 'definition.' Our team will define the primary impact metrics that capture salient value proposition drivers. After this, we align the metrics with acclaimed global standards, such as IRIS+ and SDGs. The goal is to make sure everyone is measuring identical units and driving towards similar goals. During attribution, we evaluate the institution's contribution to problems as compared to the baseline. Our team will calculate the changes that can get attributed to the unique interventions of a company. The goal of ImpactableX is to help your company achieve unprecedented growth by seizing growth opportunities.

Tuesday, 8 June 2021

Enhance the Impact and Success of Your Startup through Impact Evaluation

ImpactableX intends to define, forecasting, and quantifying the social capital value available to founders and impact funds. We seek to elevate solutions that drive change and push your startup closer to success. Our unique modeling methodology will give founders the ammunition their need to make prudent management decisions over time. As other companies gamble with irrelevance, your startup business can position itself strategically by providing services and products that trigger social impact. We seek to exploit the impact potential of your company by intelligently evaluating your business and providing insights. Since the social capital asset available to startups is huge, impact reporting and evaluation have become necessary. Some of the stakeholders in the game of impact creation include investors, corporates, social entrepreneurs, NGOs, policymakers, and foundations. The common denominator among these players is that they all want data-driven and transparency during the screening of engagements.

All impact investors know that impact metrics are fundamental during due diligence and screening. Every actor in the space considers impact evaluation a necessity. Data is essential to claiming impact. It offers evidence and makes it possible for stakeholders to manage the impact created effectively in conformity with their goals. There is no shortage of taxonomies and approaches to impact evaluation. Some of the global standards that most stakeholders agree to align themselves to include; SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), IRIS+, IMP's (Impact Management Project) five impact dimensions, and B Certification. For an unassuming social entrepreneur, the frameworks offer little practical guidance on impact evaluation. Many founders cannot wrap their heads around how a growing enterprise can quantify the environmental and social impact generated through sales.

ImpactableX is here to make things easy for you. We simplify impact evaluation by using a model that dynamically demonstrates impact creation in convergence with globally acclaimed standards such as IMP, IRIS+, and SDGs. ImpactableX will help your company to quantify its impact potential. We also give growing companies access to primary levers that drive impact operations. Our company empowers clients with the management tools needed to manage impact effectively. The framework we use seeks to capture the particular mission of every company. We use three components (definition, valuation, and attribution) during impact evaluation. Every company in our portfolio can access our team over a one-year certification duration. We seek to scale up the impact by deploying our resources. Please schedule a consultative meeting with us. You can also learn more about us by visiting our website

Thursday, 3 June 2021

A Dynamic Impact Assessment Framework that Evolves as Your Startup Grows

 When we solve the pressing challenges in our society, we unlock value for our businesses. ImpactableX has an innovative way of forecasting, defining, and quantifying value for impact funds and founders. We also recommend business solutions that will propel your institution towards success. ImpactableX uses an innovative impact modeling framework to quantify, define, forecast, and value environmental and social impact. We provide founders with the tools necessary to manage impact over time. As other startups struggle to survive the tides, you can affirm your presence in the market by providing unique solutions to the prevailing market needs. ImpactableX will help you identify and seize your impact potential. Our markets are ruthless to any business that cannot fight for space and impact. Although there is an enormous social capital that companies can utilize, those that lack knowledge on how to do it will struggle.

There are many aspects to a business that can drive environmental and social impact. Through the assessment of social impact, founders can build enterprises that depict their mission and objectives. Impact evaluation offers powerful pointers on how to unlock the capital market. To realize the business potential, ImpactableX has come up with an innovative and unique modeling framework. You don’t have to feel confused and overwhelmed about the prospects of your startup any longer. Our cost-effective modeling framework will generate quantified, verified, and standardized impact analytics for your organization. ImpactableX has a modeling strategy that makes it possible for founders to measure the impact created under different growth circumstances. We will help you to optimize impact and revenue through making informed management decisions.

The impact modeling methodology used by ImpactableX applies to any model of business. It can get used in a company that is at any stage of growth. Our model is also fit for use to measure any vertical impact. As the sales of your business evolve, the impact data inputs can get adjusted to reflect the new reality and better understand the broader business consequences. Our social impact evaluation approach encompasses more than just static quantification snapshots. It offers a centralized and consistent tool for impact management. The model will evolve as your startup grows. Learn more about us by visiting our website

Wednesday, 2 June 2021

How Your Company Can Accrue Financial Gains through Impact Evaluation

 Numbers are fundamental in claiming impact. Data gives us precise proof points and makes it possible to manage the impact following the set goals. There are many different terms and approaches to impact evaluation. The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) underscore the seventeen standardized goals to which stakeholders align themselves. IRIS+ has a set of impact evaluation resources, notably their primary metrics, which allow stakeholders a chance to reference similar measurement units. The IMP (Impact Management Project) provides their five impact dimensions that drive convergence on what ought to be measured. B Certification is a widely recognized model that evaluates impact creation through the operational footprint of a company. For those who are impact funds or social entrepreneurs, the impact modeling criteria offer little to no guidance on impact evaluation. It is hard to understand how a small company can quantify the environmental and social impact emanating from sales.

Startups may align themselves to IRIS+, IMP’s five impact dimensions, and SDGs but still fail to understand how this measures quantities, especially during inception when impact data is nonexistent or scant. However, impact assessment from ImpactableX will make the process easy. ImpactableX offers a simplified framework for impact evaluation. The approach used will dynamically model generation of impact following the acceptable global standards set by IMP, IRIS+, and SDGs. Our goal is to help startups quantify and define their potential. We also give companies access to the primary levers to empower them with the tools necessary to manage operations accordingly. Our framework offers consistency and gets tailored to identify and work towards the company’s mission.

There are three components to our impact evaluation methodology: Attribution, definition, and valuation. ImpactableX will define the primary impact metrics of your company. These are the expressions that are measurable and that define the value proposition of a company. We will evaluate the extent to which services or products produce environmental or social impact compared to the baseline. ImpactableX will also assess the economic consequences of the impact generated. Ultimately, this will translate to financial gains for the company. Find out more about ImpactableX through their website

How to Steer Your Startup towards Growth by Seizing Social Impact Value

 ImpactableX makes impact assessment affordable and impactful for startups. Although many entrepreneurs think that assessing the social impact of their businesses is expensive and tedious, ImpactableX simplifies the process and makes it affordable. We solve the pressing challenges of the world and unlock the massive social value of every organization. We forecast, quantify, and define value for impact funds and founders, and recommend solutions that drive growth for your institution. Our methods and ideas will propel your startup towards growth and success in an increasingly competitive marketplace. Our modeling framework yields quantified, standardized, and verified impact analytics. ImpactableX seeks to specifically help investors and social entrepreneurs by providing a modeling strategy that makes it possible for founders to measure the creation of impact under different scenarios of growth.

ImpactableX will help you arrive at management decisions that maximize impact and revenue. Our impact assessment framework applies to any enterprise model and an organization at any development stage. As a startup evolve, its sales estimates also evolve and new impact data is collected. Our impact modeling framework makes it possible to adjust the inputs. This allows us to understand the social impact consequences of your business. The impact assessment approach we employ provides more than the static quantification snapshots. It yields a centralized and consistent tool of impact management that evolves dynamically. During impact assessment, ImpactableX guides startups and founders through the components of our framework. The goal is to help them generate impact models relevant to their businesses.

The three components of social impact assessment employed by ImpactableX are; Definition, attribution, and valuation. We start with defining the primary impact metrics of the company. These are the measurable impact expressions that point out the drivers of the value of the company. Using our assessment template, we align the impact metrics with acceptable global standards like IRIS+ and SDGs to ascertain that everyone is measuring similar items and driving towards the same goal. ImpactableX is ready to steer your company towards growth with accurate impact assessment.

A Simplified Impact Analysis Methodology that Allows Companies to Differentiate Themselves

ImpactableX uses a business impact analysis methodology that allows founders to understand the metrics that should be measured and the exte...