Tuesday, 17 August 2021

Insights into the Identification, Quantification, and Management of Impact

The marketplace is a competitive environment for startups. Without a strategy, your business will fail miserably. Fortunately, there is an enormous social capital asset waiting to get seized by growing businesses. Through impact evaluation and reporting, we can identify the impact potential of an entity and undertake strategic measures to achieve success. Stakeholders in the space of impact creation want transparency during the screening of activities and data-driven policies when making decisions. Every impact investor knows that impact metrics are important during due diligence and screening. Impact evaluation has become a requirement for everyone in the industry. Numbers provide proof of measurable impact. It also enables various stakeholders to supervise the creation of impact in line with their goals. There are many different terms and approaches to impact evaluation.

Most of us would be familiar with United Nations SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). SDGs outline seventeen goals that stakeholders agree to align themselves to. IRIS+ outlines various impact evaluation resources, notably their primary set of metrics. They are impact metrics that stakeholders use to reference similar measurement units. IMP (Impact Management Project) has also outlined five impact dimensions that drive convergence around the units that should get measured. B Certification is a mode that uses popularly identifiable certification marks. It evaluates the impact generated through the operational footprint of a company. Impact funds and social entrepreneurs consider the frameworks to be of no value in the process of impact evaluation.

What founders want to know is how the various frameworks quantify environmental and social impact derived from sales. Although startups can align themselves with IRIS+, IMP, SDGs, and B Certification, it is hard to know how this measures quantities. The universal standards provide little insight when primary data is nonexistent or scant. Unlike other social impact evaluation companies, we use a simplified framework to measure impact. ImpactableX uses a dynamic evaluation framework that aligns with the universal standards. Our objective is to help companies identify and quantify their impact capital. We also give startups access to insights for the management of impact.

Tuesday, 10 August 2021

Translating Social Impact into Revenue Through Impact Assessment

Although many founders think that impact assessment is a reserve for large corporations, their startups can leap the benefits of the process. ImpactableX is a company that uses a renowned impact methodology to measure the impact potential of growing businesses. Our model provides a primary framework for founders to measure the generation of impact under different growth situations. Using our modeling criteria, companies will arrive at management decisions that maximize impact and revenue. Our model applies to any model of business, any impact level, and any level of business development. As sales of a business change and new impact data gets collected, the inputs to our model can get revised to understand the consequences. ImpactableX uses an assessment model that provides more than static quantification snapshots. Our model delivers a centralized, consistent, and dynamically evolving tool for impact management.

ImpactableX is determined to guide founders through the process of impact assessment. We use three components to help founders build impact models for their institutions. The first step is defining the primary impact metrics of the company. We measure the impact expressions that highlight the relevant drivers of the value proposition of a company. Using our assessment template, we align the measurement metrics to the universal standards as outlined by IRIS+ and SDGs. The objective is to make sure that everyone is measuring similar units and driving towards the same goal. After definition, we move to attribution. At this stage, we evaluate the contribution made by an organization to the problem. ImpactableX will measure the change attributable to the intervention of a company.

Attribution is a step that provides insights into the efficacy of impact at the level of every unit and the total output derived from this impact over five years. A thorough analysis of impact allows management teams to visualize the impact potential through different circumstances. Impact measurement allows founders the chance to comprehend the value generated by their innovation. There is enormous value created by social impact. ImpactableX will translate this value into revenue.

Give Your Business the Impetus It Needs Through Impact Evaluation

When you start a business, your dream is to conquer the markets and win over loyal customers. To achieve this, you must understand the challenges and needs of the clientele. You must also design solutions that satisfy these needs and solves their challenges. Most customers are looking for quality and convenience. Through e-commerce, shipping, and quick delivery of products and services, you can win over many clients and expand your market share. Any futuristic and pragmatic company has rolled out a plan to integrate technology into its model of business. Those who lag get quickly edged out of the limelight. Markets are becoming very competitive. If you hire an impact evaluation company to help you with business insights, your organization will generate more revenue, differentiate itself, and win over more clients. A diligent and experienced company in impact evaluation will enlighten you on how to seize social impact assets.

ImpactableX is a company like no other. We use a unique impact modeling strategy to value, quantify, define, and forecast environmental and social impact. We also empower founders with the resources to manage the generated impact. We know that the only way to unlock the massive impact value is through solving the pressing challenges of the world. Unfortunately, many investors and social entrepreneurs think that impact evaluation is a complicated endeavor that is only beneficial to established corporations. The confusing terminologies and approaches offer no reprieve. Many founders think that the process is expensive for their modest budget. ImpactableX steps in to make matters simple. Our impact evaluation methodology dynamically models impact generation in conformity with global standards as outlined by IMP, IRIS+, and SDGs.

ImpactableX will help growing businesses quantify and define their impact capacity. We also empower you with the resources to manage impact accordingly. Our trained analysts will guide your management crew through the simplified steps of impact evaluation. We start by defining the primary impact metrics and assessment of your business model. From this, we understand the questions that need answers. Our team will collaborate with you to address any assumptions and gaps.

A Simplified Impact Analysis Methodology that Allows Companies to Differentiate Themselves

ImpactableX uses a business impact analysis methodology that allows founders to understand the metrics that should be measured and the exte...